Here are some updates on the weather in the UK
- Thunderstorms: The Met Office issued fresh “danger to life” weather warnings on Sunday, warning that thunderstorms and heavy rain will interrupt the brief sunny spell that people in Britain are enjoying.
- Heavy Rainfall: Torrential downpours for several regions could lead to flash flooding, with 50mm of rain expected in the northern part of the Midlands.
- Flooding: Flooding of homes and businesses could happen quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes, hail, or strong winds. Fast-flowing or deep floodwater is possible, causing a danger to life.
- Power Cuts: Flooding or lightning strikes could cause power cuts.
- Difficult Driving Conditions: Heavy showers and flooding could cause difficult driving conditions.
- Road Closures: Flooding could cause road closures.
- Disruption to Public Transport: Flooding or lightning strikes could disrupt public transport.
- Temperature: Temperatures are expected to peak on Sunday before it starts to become cooler again next week. Temperatures in the high teens and early twenties are expected, but cooler than it has been over the past few days.